Current Issues
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Below are documents released by the USG Executive Board regarding our opinion on current issues.
*Sent on behalf of the Undergraduate Student Government and its Constituents on October 20, 2020. *
Chancellor Lane, Provost Komarraju, and Respective Administrative Officials,
As Region 5 of the State of Illinois prepares for the implementation of new mitigation rules and procedures put in place by the Illinois Department of Public Health as well as County Health Departments, USG and its constituents understand that the majority of small businesses within the Carbondale area will be affected in regards to their day to day operations. With this in mind, we also understand that many undergraduate students rely on occupations within businesses such as bars and restaurants, and other establishments which conduct business indoors. After speaking with my constituents, it was brought to my attention that if these students are placed in a position with reduced hours, or no time at work at all, it may be difficult for these students to pay for their cost of living. From discussions I have been a part of, students have even discussed moving back to their hometowns and asking professors instructing face to face classes to record lectures or place more class curriculum within the online modality. I ask that during the next few weeks of uncertainty as we enforce new mitigation rules within the Carbondale region, that you encourage flexibility and cooperation between students and faculty as students could be forced to change their course modalities for the sake of their living accommodations. For the first half of this semester, these traits have definitely been found all across our campus whether it be from students, faculty, staff, or administration. We all understand this is an unprecedented time and as students, we urge for continued support from faculty and staff as we “roll with the punches” and continue our post-secondary education experience at this great institution. I thank you for the work you have all done this year as we continue to conduct business for our University as well as thank you in advance for your leadership during the rest of this semester. Stay safe and stay healthy.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ryan Reeverts
Undergraduate Student Government President