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USG Meeting, 50 Senators and Executive Board, February 2025

Welcome to the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale!

Our Mission

The USG represents the undergraduate student body at SIU in all matters of student welfare, student activities, and student participation in University planning and administration. The USG is a recognized constituency body by the Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees.

Schedule for Senate Meetings

Senate meetings are hosted Tuesdays, biweekly at 6:00pm in the Student Health Center Auditorium.

Business Casual Attire is required for USG Senators.

Spring 2025

January 21st
February 4th
February 18th
March 4th
March 18th
April 1st
April 15th
April 29th - USG Banquet

If you have issues finding meeting details (location or agenda) contact the USG Executive Assistant.


Join the USG Senate!

The Undergraduate Student Government (USG) is looking for motivated leaders that are interested in improving the lives of our fellow students. The Senate is comprised of 50 senators, who represent various constituent groups across campus. To join the Senate, you must successfully submit a Senator petition.

Get your petition here!